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Second Generation Speaks Out: The Story of the Bitten Locket

Thursday, January 3, 2019 26 Tevet 5779

7:45 PM - 9:30 PMFrank Nathanson Adult Lounge

Emma Glickman grew up in Livingston, New Jersey, and has been going to Agudath Israel since her Torah for Tots days. Emma will be sharing her personal narrative in uncovering how her grandmother and great-grandmother miraculously survived the Holocaust after being hidden by Righteous Gentiles. She weaves you through the twists and turns in discovering how her family managed to be among the 14 survivors of the 1,600 Jews that lived in their Polish town. Part of the presentation includes an 8-minute documentary trailer of Emma's journey to Poland and finding the family that hid, fed, and saved her great-grandmother's life. Emma went to Golda Och Academy '14 and recently graduated from Vassar College '18.

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February 18,2025 /  20 Shevat 5785