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Adult Ed Trip - Williamsburg Brooklyn, Hasidic & Millennial

Monday, October 16, 2017 26 Tishrei 5778

11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Visitors are led through the neighborhood of shops, eateries, synagogues, schools and historical sites. They learn about the faith and value system of contemporary Hasidism, the history of Jewish Williamsburg, and the origin of Hasidism and its major sects, including Satmar. Groups learn about traditions of Hasidic marriage and family, the cultures of Hasidic women, men and children, dress, language and education in lively conversations, with emphasis on understanding and learning. Questions are always encouraged - we are eager to share.

Lunch: On your own. Options are: Food tasting with Frieda at Hasidic eatery, or 12 Chairs, an Israeli restaurant. Second half of the day: Millennial Williamsburg: Walk down trendy Bedford St. Learn about immigration to the area, artist and flea market haven, the industrial past, including the sugar factory and brewery.

Cost: $35.00 per person

Transportation: Participants are responsible for own transportation to and from the event. Meeting Location and Time: 11:00 am, meet at the Williamsburg library 240 Division Ave. at Marcy Ave., Brooklyn.

For people driving: Park not so close to the starting place but in the *middle* of Williamsburg, thus closer to the tour end point, which will be approximately the L train stop at Bedford Avenue/North 7th Street. (We’re not looping back to the start.)

PLEASE include all of the names of those that you are registering in the "Notes" section below. This is a REQUIRED field.

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