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► Here at Agudath Israel, we have something for everyone at every stage of life. —Barbara Sebiri

► We met friends at that first Torah for Tots who have remained close for 25 years. My family has grown up at Agudath Israel, and it remains a central part of our lives today. —Harry Kartus

► It was actually love at first sight. It was July 2002 and we had just moved to town. CAI had us at “Shabbat Shalom” and we joined right away. CAI has become an integral part of our family’s life, more than we could ever have imagined. —David Lurie

► Michelle and I both grew up in households where Jewish living and Jewish giving were ways of life. Our community provides so many ways to get involved and give back. —Adam Shandler

► Agudath was involved every step of the way as my kids developed over the years. Now that my daughter is in college and my son is a senior in high school, my wife and I are taking advantage of what Agudath has to offer more than ever.  —Rob Scheckman

► Congregation Agudath Israel has always been my home away from home. It was the place I let my imagination run free as a little girl playing dress up in nursery school, the place I won candy for answering Parsha questions correctly in Hebrew School, the place that fostered my Jewish Identity in high school through USY, and now as USY advisor. It’s my space for spiritual Shabbat and High Holiday experiences with my family, and the place I dream of getting married in the future. I feel the impact our community has had, and continues to have, on me every day. —Shai Lindsey Kartus

► My parents taught me that the two important principles to live by were to always put a roof over my family's head, and to be involved in the local Jewish Community. Family and community. We take care of each other. I hope to pass these principles onto my children, and my family's legacy gift is a symbol of that. —Jonathan R. Mehl

► CAI is a community that understands the need for rituals, life cycle events and, for me, the spiritual aspects that calm me, the intellectual aspects that enrich me, and, the social action that calls to me. —Gail Black

► Many of the Cohen lifecycle events, both good and bad, have revolved around Agudath Israel. —Greta and Ira Cohen

► We give CAI all the credit for shaping our Jewish identity in the last 25 years. We have formed lasting friendships through the Chavurah that Rabbi Silverstein put together. We have enjoyed all the singing opportunities led by Cantor Caplan. And we have been inspired to keep learning by the wonderful classes led by Rabbi Silverstein and by Susan Werk. We have been triply blessed to have found these extraordinary opportunities all in one place. —Sandy and Jim Weintraub

►  Over our 41 years of marriage, we now both call CAI home; it is there that we have celebrated life’s blessings and there that we now have yahrzeit plaques. —Margie and Larry Samuels

► CAI helped us overcome our tragedy and by donating to CAI we hope it will continue to do so for others. —Nogah Revesz

►  No matter where we reside, or travel, CAI is our spiritual home. Over the course of the last 50 years, we have enjoyed being part of the CAI family: we have raised and educated our children, and participated in its many religious and secular activities. —Etta and Froman Mehl

► CAI in its entirety, and Rabbi Silverstein, Cantor Caplan, and Susan Werk specifically, has shaped our family’s Jewish identity (collectively and as individuals) for the past 35 years through the tenets of Conservative Judaism, lifecycle events, and education. —Paula and David Saginaw



Questions? Contact Membership Coordinator, Debbie Lurie.    

October 25,2024 /  23 Tishrei 5785